In only 300 years modern science has changed the world.

Discoveries by the Chinese and other early cultures did not launch a worldwide spread of scientific investigation. Mythologies and Greek dependence upon human reasoning produced false conclusions. Scientific advancement is built step by step upon reliable foundations.  Ancient and Greek mythologies had no scientific value. Thousands of years had not freed science from an accumulation of false paths. The brilliance of the Greeks produced Aristotelian science. Their reputations protected important false conclusions from being challenged. Research was at a standstill through most of the Middle-Ages.

Unlocking the secrets of the universe required a firm belief that the universe is orderly and can be understood. It also required a means to reveal that order. Those beliefs had to be firm enough to spend one’s life in long, tedious hours of trial and error searching.

To build such confidence an authoritative, trustworthy source of guidance was necessary. That source of confidence would have to exceed the reputation of the Greeks. The door to science began to open with the invention of the printing press and the distribution of books, especially the Bible.

Podcast Episode 1 describes the birth of modern science.


When Hubble’s telescope showed in 1929 that the universe is expanding, the discovery ignited a great amount of excitement. If the universe is expanding the speed of its spread could be retracted back to the beginning of the universe.  Physicists began studying how the stars and planets would have been formed

            For two centuries it had been believed that the universe was infinite and we could not know its beginning. Darwin’s theory of evolution was built on that philosophy. By the 1950s British evolutionist Fred Hoyle was becoming concerned that shortening the universe’s age could seriously damage the case for evolution. He coined the name “The Big Bang” to mock the research.

             By 1992 the COBE satellite was confirming the accuracy of the scientific models.

            Scientists were confronting the issue of how an explosion could create an orderly universe. Some were considering, for the first time, the existence of a Creator.

Podcast Episode 2 describes the beginning of the universe.


There are two ways Christians view the beginning of the universe and creation of earth’s atmosphere. The traditional “six days of creation” view and the much longer “periods of creation” view. It is not an ultimate issue in terms of one’s relationship with God. It is an important issue in ways discussed here.

            What are the responses of Christians on these issues?

1st  Traditionally, Christians have held the opinion that the term ‘day’ means that God created the universe in six days. This view provided an answer to Darwinism by limiting the time of evolution. However, it denied the discoveries of astronomers.

Many state that ‘God could do it any way he chooses.’ Some say, I believe that ‘bang and God did it.’ For some these positions indicate the strength of their faith in taking a position against astronomers. Others answer that an explosion could not be the beginning of order in the universe.

The ‘six days’ approach creates a division between the science of astronomy and the 6 day position .

2nd The ‘periods of creation’ view is that God is eternal and worked in ‘God’s time’ rather than ‘mans’ time’ to accomplish his work. They point out that in the original Hebrew the term ‘yom’ is used rather than the English translation ‘day’. Yom is a day or long period of time, either one can be applied.

This group points to the birth of modern science in which God led Christians to the laws of astronomy. They point to the scriptures that predict the four discoveries in the

            ‘controlled explosion’ research.

The growing number of scientists who have become Christians is seen as evidence that the  Creator of science is using science to lead man to God.

            Podcast Episode 2 cites biblical statements discovered in the Big Bang.

THE BIBLICAL ISSUES (6 days versus periods of time) will be added to the Part 3 section on AMERICA.


Each Episode in Part 1 establishes the significance of man in our Creator’s view.

·         Episode 1 illustrates the importance our Creator places on science and the quality of life.

·         Episode 2 demonstrates the Creator’s desire to lead man to God.

·         Episode 3 displays his equipping of man to understand his universe.

·         The Science of Human Events provides evidence of his involvement in human history.

·         He formed a nation to communicate with man.

·         His science traces the universal issues of good and evil.

·         He compares physical science with his science of history to highlight his truth.

·         He provides principles of government, economics, and morality to guide our decisions.


            Podcast Episode 3 focuses on the significance of man in creation.


Is there a science of human events? How would we recognize it? Can scientists apply it?

            The framework of the science of human events is five themes of history given to Abraham 4000 years ago. They came from the Creator. Each theme extends across the span of history. The hundreds of predictions within the themes apply to 4000 years from the past, but are also very specific about the present and future. Scientists and all people can view their supernatural accuracy. But no human scientist can foresee the future and purpose of human events. Only our Creator can provide such a phenomenal proof of his credentials!

Podcast Episode 4 provides a current scientific example

from the 1st theme of history.


The Creator causes his wonders to be remembered.” Three-thousand-four hundred-and fifty years ago the Creator rescued Abraham’s descendants from slavery in Egypt. The series of events included ten plagues concluding in one night with the deaths of all the first-born of Egypt. The Pharaoh drove the Hebrews out, then changed his mind and trapped the unarmed slaves on the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba on the Red Sea. The evidence of what took place has been preserved for more than 3000 years. An American archaeologist discovered the evidence on the floor of the Red Sea in 1978. It illustrates God’s authority over nations and natural law.

Podcast Episode 5 presents the Red Sea evidence.


The central issue of human history is the conflict between good and evil. It is the human impossibility of tracking these behaviors that makes the flow of history impossible for man to predict. The Creator, in training his nation of former slaves, gave them the sources of evil rooted in human nature. He also gave them Commandments that would expose their weaknesses. From this point Abraham’s descendants became examples to the world of the Creator’s blessings, but also the rebelliousness of human nature.

            Again, “God causes his wonders to be remembered.” The altar to their false God, the blackened granite mountaintop, the split rock that provided water for 2 million ex-slaves in a hostile, dry desert; these have been preserved to record what happened there.

Podcast Episode 6 is an insightful presentation

of what ails human history.


Each step in the scientific method demonstrates the superiority of the Creator of science over the human beings he created. The scientific evidence clearly illustrates that our Creator has dimensions we don’t possess. He operates in space and time apart from the capabilities of scientists or any man. The scientific method defines the differences. The historical tests make the differences clear for all to see.

Podcast Episode 7 is a step by step comparison between physical science

and the Creator’s science of human events.


For more than 200 years Abraham’s descendants lived under the authority of the Creator’s civil and moral laws. He also raised up military leaders when they were threatened by enemies. But the people wanted to be like other nations and asked for a king. God gave them a list of the rights the king would claim and the freedoms they would lose. The principles he laid down were a warning. The issues involved have plagued nations for centuries, and remain a painful problem in today’s world.

Podcast Episode 8 lays out a very important principle

that we will trace in the past, present and future.

 BLOG 9A    THE UNIVERSAL ISSUE OF ECONOMICS : and Capitalism Versus Socialism 

The purpose of financial laws is to balance the playing field. But the ultimate flaw in both socialism and capitalism is the self-centered greed that takes advantage of others.

            Israel was the recipient of a system of laws called the Jubilee years. It periodically restored opportunity, when Israel was obedient to their Creator. It has not existed since Israel rebelled against Roman occupation and were driven out of their land. They were scattered worldwide for 1873 years. But the Creator fulfills his promises. The road back to the Jubilee system began in the year 1867 A.D.

Podcast Episode 9A explains the Jubilee economic system.


The barriers against the steps to restoration have seemed insurmountable. But on the 50 year Jubilee clock the obstacles have been reversed and progress toward full restoration has continued. The time of full restoration is coming.

Podcast Episode 9B identifies the impossible obstacles

that have been removed.


Genuine love is the opposite of immoral behavior. Immoral behavior is harmful to oneself and to others. It diminishes the potential and purpose of life. The Creator warned the Israelites through Moses that those things that had been acceptable in Egypt and in Canaan where they were going were destructive. They had dominated the surrounding cultures and would be a temptation to the corrupt desires of the human nature. Moses identified the evil that they should not do.

Podcast Episode 10 is a warning against dangerous cultural influences.

David Berg