The scientific method is a pathway toward truth. I’d like to share the way the Creator’s Science of Human Events exceeds physical science in its complexity, accuracy and importance.

The first step in the scientific method is observation. Scientists cannot observe human history from beginning to end. The source that can claim authority is the Creator who calls Himself the I AM; The One who has been there from the beginning. We have viewed His scientific credentials in the creation of the universe. He was there at the beginning. His dimensions are not limited to human dimensions. He is outside of time. His foresight displays a knowledge of human events from beginning to end.

The second step in science is to form a statement or claim, called a hypothesis. Scientists form statements to be tested. God gave Abraham five themes of history. He made the statements. The creator of science, stepped into history as the scientist of human history. No man can predict the future of human events.

The Creator’s themes of history were recorded 4,000 years ago. His specific predictions continue to be tested. They are past, present and future.

            In Isaiah 42:9 the Creator tells us: “See the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.”

In Part 4 of this podcast we will see the current events leading toward the final results of the themes of history.

Third, scientists select the conditions for testing their statements. Predicting distant human events becomes impossibly complex. The tests are subject to the variables of human decisions, and changing social, economic and political conditions. Historical predictions have multiple conditions that must be in place before the statement can be tested. Historical predictions are exponentially more complex.

Fourth, scientists review test results and frequently adjust their statements to match the results. Biblical predictions are pure science. They cannot be adjusted. They must be accurate as written.

Fifth, scientists state their conclusions. Scientific conclusions are probable truths based on current knowledge. As knowledge expands, new conclusions are often discovered. The Creator’s themes of history reach to history’s final events. The Creator’s knowledge is complete.  His demonstrations present 4000 years of evidence. The Creator’s knowledge is certain and true.

Sixth, scientific conclusions are submitted for peer review. The Creator has no peers. But His predictions conclude with human events that can be reviewed by all people. Simple faith qualifies children and adults to experience a relationship with their Creator. Peer review of the Creator’s evidence also strengthens faith in what the Creator has promised.

The conclusion is that the only science to address the greatest issues of human life is the Science of Human Events. It does what man cannot do. It connects science with the issues and purpose of life.

The sciences of astronomy and cosmology identify who the Creator is. The Science of Human Events reveals His instructions and purpose for human life.

            The scientific method reveals the superiority of the Creator’s Science of Human Events.

David J. Berg