As the 20th century began, Jewish farmers were learning how to grow crops on small plots of desert wasteland in their ancient home. The Islamic Ottoman Empire remained in control of Jerusalem and the Middle East.

These are the obstacles that were overcome. The impossible took place in 50 year steps. The drama is told in the book The Oracle by best selling author Jonathan Cahn, a Jewish Rabbi. 

1917, World War I spread from France to Turkey on the east and into the Holy Land on the South. Rich oil resources were discovered along the Caspian Sea and oil became a source of great wealth for the surrounding areas. Oil wealth in the region made it less likely that the Jews could return.

1933, Hitler began gathering Europe’s Jews into walled in ghettos. World War II and the Jewish holocaust reduced Jewish goals to mere survival. 

1946, Following the war the former Ottoman Empire was divided into newly formed Arab nations. Britain was given control of the Palestinian territory. Both oil rich and less prosperous Arab nations opposed any Jewish presence in the area. The British sided with them and provided weapons for the Arabs. Some Jewish remnants had fled from Hitler and managed, during the wartime confusion, to settle in the Holy Land.

1947, The world was attracted to the oil rich Arab nations. The U.S. State Department and the world opposed the Jewish hope of a homeland. Jewish refugees from the holocaust were blocked from entering their former possession. They were placed in European holding camps.

Miraculously, under these conditions, the Jews were given a small territory in Palestine. 1948, The day they took possession they were attacked by the surrounding Arab nations. The Jews were outnumbered 50 to 1. There would be five wars followed by terrorist attacks against the Jewish state of Israel.

1967, The Soviet Union saw an opportunity to gain influence, seaports, and access to oil in the Arab Middle East. They armed the Arab military forces with tanks, guns, airplanes and eventually surface to air missiles. 200,000 Egyptian troops were moving toward the Israeli border. A Jewish genocide was certain. But it was the Jubilee year of 1967.  Six days later the war was over and Israel had taken their ancient capital of Jerusalem. Once again the Creator’s promise to His people had been fulfilled against impossible odds. 

            The nations of the world refused to recognize Israel’s right to their ancient capital. Terrorist attacks continued. Iran was working toward developing nuclear weapons.

            Science overcomes difficult obstacles with scientific breakthroughs. The Creator of science said, “I foretold the former things long ago, my mouth announced them and I made them known; then suddenly I acted, and they came to pass.” Isaiah 48:3  The Creator is giving testimony of how He foretold events and then acted in history.

            In the Jubilee year of 2017 the U.S. moved its embassy to Jerusalem and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Only one factor remains. We will address that in part 4 of this podcast.

David J. Berg