Many people say, “There are many religions and gods.” Or, “There are many paths to God.” Or, “My good ways outweigh my bad.” Or, “I attend church.” Or, “I don’t believe a loving God would create hell.” Or, “All my friends will be in hell.”

            Let’s take these one at a time.

            “There are many religions and gods.”

            How do any of these other religions or gods prove their deity? Have any of them told how they created the universe? Or how they led man to the discovery of modern science? Or how they created the conditions for complex life in preparation for human beings who could understand and appreciate the universe?

Second, “There are many paths to God.”

If the Creator identified Himself in His written word, then as the Creator of the universe, His written word is the only way to know Him. There is no other way.

Third, “My good ways outweigh my bad.”

The Creator’s word says, “Only God is good.” There isn’t a command you or I have not broken. We distrust, ignore, misrepresent and rebel against God. In God’s perspective hate is the seed of murder, lust is adultery, deceit is falsely witnessing, sin occurs in our minds.  

Fourth, “I attend church.”

Attending church does not change who we are.  

Fifth, “I don’t believe a loving God would create hell.”

Einstein said, “Cold is the absence of heat. Darkness is the absence of light.”  In the same way Hell is the absence of the goodness of God.

Sixth, “All my friends will be in hell.”

            Hell is the darkest, loneliest, most hopeless place in existence. The pleasures God created do not exist there. It was created for Satan and his demons.

            Heaven is the alternative. We cannot earn it. It is God’s gift to mankind. Our rebellion could only be forgiven by death. Jesus became the Lamb of God. The shedding of his blood cleanses us from our sin. It is a gift. If we could earn it we would boast about our goodness. We can only ask to receive it.

How do we know we have received it?

We know by how He changes us when we follow Him.

First, we ask Him to forgive our sins and take us into His family.

The Creator of science explains, with science, how He changes us.

David J. Berg