Viewing the tiny speck that is earth from a photo taken by Voyager 1 at a distance of nearly four billion miles, Carl Sagan commented. “Our posturing, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark.”

Do we have any significance in the universe?

Without communication from our Creator, we are a meaningless dot in a vast universe. The Creator has turned that around. It is His communication with us that gives us great significance. The Creator of that vast universe created us, and is communicating with us.

The first chapter of the Bible describes the steps in the creation of earth’s atmosphere. Twentieth century science has added details to those steps. The steps describe the development of the conditions for complex life on earth.

An astrophysicist Guillermo Gonzalez has written a book The Privileged Planet. He establishes that the conditions for complex life are the same conditions that allow man to see, measure, and travel in the universe. Our position on the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy allows us to view the universe. Our transparent atmosphere gives us views of thousands of very distant stars. Amazingly, the exact size and distance of the moon and sun from the earth produce solar eclipses. The eclipse blocks the light of the sun. Only the burning gasses from its chromosome can be seen. During those moments in the eclipse scientists gain knowledge of star formation.

When the Creator was establishing the conditions for complex life it was with the anticipation that He would give life to human beings and gift them with the knowledge of mathematics. He was beginning a communication with man that would allow us to appreciate and learn from His creation.

We are very significant because as the Bible says, He “created man in the image of God.” He created the earth and the universe with man in mind. We have great significance!

The Bible led man to the birth of modern science.

Modern science led man back to the Bible.

The Creator anticipated the significance human beings would have when He created the conditions for complex life.

David J. Berg