Scientists are incapable of building a science of human events. No man can predict the distant future of human events. It must come from our Creator! The science of human events is the Creator’s premier communication with man.

The framework of this science was set in motion 4000 years ago. Thirteen hundred years later the prophet Isaiah referred to it when he was challenging the false gods of his day.

Isaiah confronted the false gods, “Tell us, you idols, what is going to happen. Tell us what the former things were, so that we may consider them and know their final outcome.” He was saying, tell us the themes of history and their final results.

He continued, “Or, tell us what the future holds so we may know that you are gods.” Isaiah 41:22

Isaiah knew that the themes of history had been tested for 1300 years. What are the themes of history?

Four thousand years ago the Creator gave five themes of history to Abraham. The first theme was that in their old age Abraham and Sarah would have a son. Their descendants would become a great nation. Abraham’s descendants are Israel and the Jews. Today, 4000 years later, Abraham’s descendants have survived. Are they a “great nation?”

The Jews are ½ of 1% of the world’s population. They account for 25% of the Nobel Prizes in Science won worldwide, 37% of the Nobel Prizes in Science won by Americans. In the National Academies of Science their membership ranges from 30% to 60% Jewish. Considering the contributions of science and technology to the world, the Jews have been a great benefit to mankind. Their breakthroughs are unmatched.

I have been asked, “There are many other religions and gods that people follow, isn’t the God of the Bible only one of many choices?”

My reply is, “Where is their proof that they are deity? Which of them has pre-dated science by telling how they created the universe? Or explained the development of the conditions for complex life on earth? Which of them gave the steps to launching the scientific method? Or gave birth to modern science? There is only one Creator.

            In addition to the Jewish dominance in science, Abraham’s descendants are also great because of God’s protection. Their homeland is in the crossroads between Africa, Europe and Asia. It has seen more wars than any spot on earth. But after 4000 years they still survive. Israel is great because the Creator selected Abraham and his descendants to be examples of mans’ relationship to the Creator. Their examples include man’s times of rebellion and times of obedience to their Creator. Israel is an example of both mans’ relationship with God and mans’ rebellion against God.

            I want to ask a question that introduces astounding scientific news. The question is, who gave the five themes of history to Abraham?

            The five themes begin with the statement, “The Lord had said to Abram.” Genesis 12:1 The Lord is the Creator of the universe identified by science. Scientists would call the themes of history “hypotheses.” An hypothesis is a scientific claim that needs to be tested. The astounding fact is that the Creator of the universe and science has entered the planet He created. He has entered it as the master scientist.

            The science is not only found in the history spanning themes, but in hundreds of specific predictions within those themes. How did the Creator make and test those predictions?

The Bible explains it. “For prophecy (teaching and predictions) never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” The Creator was speaking through the prophets. The evidence of that is that the predictions were spoken by many men: shepherds, kings, warriors and priests. No man can predict the future of human history. The accuracy of their claims is as amazing as the Creator’s revelations in astronomy and Cosmology.

            Each day physical science shows its potential.

            The Creator’s Science of Human Events is the mountain peak of scientific potential.   

David J. Berg