Here is one human setting the Creator used to identify Himself.

The Creator established a nation through which He communicates with man. The detailed history of Abraham’s people records the failures and blessings in their relationship with their Creator.

            Abraham’s descendants grew in number and settled in Egypt. As their population continued to multiply the Egyptians became fearful and forced them into slavery. To slow down their growth a Pharaoh decreed that all of their male babies must be executed at birth. One of these babies was rescued by an Egyptian Princess when the baby’s mother hid him in a basket among the reeds at the edge of the Nile River. The baby was named Moses. He was raised in the Pharaoh’s palace, but he knew of his lineage in the line of Abraham known as Hebrews. As an adult, when he attacked a guard who was whipping a Hebrew slave, he had to flee from Egypt. Many years later the Creator sent him to command the release of the slaves.

            The Egyptians worshiped many false gods. They worshiped nature: the sun, nature’s forces and animals were all gods to be served. The Creator used Moses to command Pharaoh to release the Hebrew slaves. Ten times he warned Pharaoh. Each time he refused. Each plague brought an Egyptian god to decimate the nation. Finally, in one night, there was the death of all their first-born sons.

            Moses had given the Hebrews a strange instruction. They were to paint their doorposts with the blood of a lamb. It was a symbol that has great importance. Only the Hebrews were spared on the night of death. Death did not enter the homes of the Hebrews. The Creator had identified Himself as the ruler over the forms of nature He had created.

            The Pharaoh commanded Moses and the slaves to leave immediately. They left. But Pharaoh changed his mind. His army pursued them in chariots and trapped them at the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba on the Red Sea. The slaves had no weapons. The Creator had brought two nations to the edge of the Red Sea to confront each other; the army of the slaveholders and the helpless slaves. Now He would display His power over nations.

            The slaves were crying out in fear. To Moses they were saying, “It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert.”

            “Moses answered the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

            The Egyptians could not see what happened next. The Creator divided the waters of the Red Sea exposing an unknown land bridge with walls of water on either side. Darkness held back the Egyptians, but the former slaves had light as they crossed the eight-mile pathway. The Creator was identifying Himself in a third way, by suspending natural laws. When the Egyptian army discovered what had happened they chased after the Creator’s people. But the Creator closed the waters over them. He identified Himself once again by executing judgment on the slaveholders that had executed Hebrew babies. He had demonstrated his faithfulness to Abraham and compassion for the suffering of Abraham’s descendants.

            How else did He identify Himself?

            In the era of modern science, near the end of the 20th century, an American archaeologist named Ron Wyatt, with modern instruments, discovered the underwater land bridge. Archaeologists have recorded the evidence using deep sea diving equipment, metal detectors, robotic sleds, underwater photography and monitors. The underwater bridge is 8 miles long by 1/4 to 1/2 mile wide, a smooth silt highway that drained quickly. The surface is covered with chariot wheels and debris. Their shapes have been preserved in coral. Although the wood has disintegrated, metal detectors have confirmed the clearly visible shapes of wheels, spokes and chariot axles.

            The preserved evidence confirms the events in Egypt and the Red Sea.

            The Creator defeated Egypt’s false gods concluding with the death of their first-born sons. He brought two nations to the shore of the Red Sea. He divided the waters suspending natural laws. He did it at the entrance to an unknown underwater bridge. He executed judgment on slaveholders. He displayed faithfulness to Abraham and compassion on the oppressed. Finally, the creator of science used science to reveal the evidence to us today.

The Bible says, “He causes His wonders to be remembered.”

            The Creator’s involvement in their nation’s miraculous escape from slavery, is confirmed by the evidence on the floor of the Red Sea.

David J. Berg